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Best place to sell a cell phone, just a mile away!

Gone are the days when you had to wait to buy your dream phone. You could just buy it at the click of a mouse. The problem is that every month, a new dream is created by cell phone manufacturers. The next question arises: what will you do with your old phone if you buy a new one? Obviously, you will not want two phones hanging out from your pocket. So, you want to know where you will sell your old cell phone. The best place to sell cell phone is a buying and selling website.

A note of caution: make sure that you are not underselling your phone. Get the right price for it. So, just hit the pause button to your dream of buying a new phone! The truth is that cell phones like any other electronic gadget have a short shelf life thanks to advanced models making their entry. So if you have just bought that swanky model recently, it will soon become ancient in another month or so.

Just like you can use such websites for buying, they are also the best place to sell old cell phones. Amazon, eBay and other sites sell the latest gadgets and that too at discounted rates. So if you cannot afford to pay a huge sum of money for your dream phone, you could wait for it to be sold on these websites and buy it at desired prices.

Other than websites, if you look carefully around your own city, you will find that there are a number of places to sell cell phones:
•    Shops where you can pawn your cell phones
•    Holding an informal garage sale in your home
•    Check newspaper advertisements
•    Social networking sites

EMIs to buy phones
These days, almost every person, irrespective of class can own the latest phones, thanks to a new system called Equated Monthly Installment, popularly known as an EMI. In other words, one has to just pay the whole cost of the phone in monthly installments. You need not pay the whole amount on the spot. EMIs are a growing trend across the globe, known by different names in all countries.

Ways to sell your cell phone
•     Visit a buying and selling website
It is advisable to compare prices across similar websites to bag the best deals.
•    Wait for special exchange offers on cell phones
Festive season is the best time when various cell phone manufacturers bring out attractive deals and discounts.
•    Ask a friend who wants to buy your cell phone

There might be one odd friend at least who has been eyeing your phone. He or she might be interested in buying your phone. But don’t undersell it because he or she is your friend.

Once you find the best place to sell used cell phones, you will want to negotiate prices. The reason being you don’t want to be cheated by the people buying your phone. The number of sites involved in buying and selling has mushroomed over the last few years, thanks to newer gadgets being launched almost every two months. And your gadget is sure to get a good owner. So, look around closely and you will definitely find the best place to sell cell phone.


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