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BPOs don multiple hats...

Till the advent of the computers, all papers and legal documents of every company were filed, stored and catalogued systematically in the form of files stacked in cabinets. If one had to access any of the data, they would have to employ people for the same work. Small and big organizations had to employ extra manpower if they wanted additional help regarding verification of financial transactions and company expansion activities.

Outsourcing of jobs was unknown to many in the pre-digital era. Though, the system of awarding contracts to a third party for making machinery parts had begun long ago. Slowly, but steadily, organizations began understanding that they need to outsource other jobs as well, to increase the productivity of their company as well as performance of employees. They started creating strategies for to outsource their business to other companies, minimizing their own labor costs.

The term business process outsourcing or BPO caught on with organizations, which started giving work on a contractual basis to firms who were ready to do their work in a shorter time span. These business process outsourcing companies began functioning as independent organizations that had its own set of people catering to the demands of the company awarding the contract.

The BPO industry is increasingly becoming the backbone for several software companies and heads of established IT companies will vouch that having a back office operations office is extremely vital to manage core operations at lowered costs. These outsourced units employ several people who manage volumes of data in a systematic manner as well as attend to customer feedback or complaints at regular intervals.

Such back office operations by business process outsourcing companies involve segregating units under various categories of specialization. The employees are recruited and given adequate training in handling clients, voice modulation, accent training and even taught phone etiquettes. Apart from this, those companies specializing in software or hardware provide technical know-how and training to the agent or employee about the product as well as skills to handle such calls from customers.

Data entry services have become a vital asset and are being increasingly sought by companies wanting to collate and analyze statistical data like an employee’s salary package, monthly and annual performance, and rate him or her accordingly based on the information. Such type of data on employees is considered confidential and is kept only in company records.

But there are other types of data entry services other than employee records. For instance, bpo companies may store merger and acquisition details and other financial transactions with global clients in the form of documents. These business process outsourcing companies compute and store sensitive information.

The business process outsourcing companies list is growing at an unbelievable rate thanks to their popularity in terms of core specializations, expertise and flexibility in terms of varying customer demands and positive feedback from clients to companies about their services.
Other than data entry services, there are other types of business process outsourcing services as well:
•    Legal Process Outsourcing
•    Knowledge Process Outsourcing
•    Developing content for websites
•    Hosting and designing websites
•    Choosing the right candidate and analyzing employee performance
•    Effective management of logistics
•    Outsourcing the manufacture of spare parts/hardware 
•    Customer servicing and feedback

The trend of business process outsourcing companies is catching up with the younger generation because working in a BPO means earning some quick money in a shorter time span. It has become a way of maintaining a high lifestyle in most third world and developing nations. Its biggest unique selling point being that this job does not require great qualifications.


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