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Outsourcing BPO Services is a Challenge

Industry experts have cited the Business Process Outsourcing or BPO model as an emerging contributor to a country’s economy. It has solved many third world and other developing nations’ problems by reducing their unemployment issues and in turn, helped developed nations cut down their labor costs in production practices.

Most candidates get rejected on grounds of inadequate academic qualifications, but BPOs accept candidates without considering their low grades or poor status. So if you are good at speaking impeccable English, and possess a confident personality to provide correct on-the-call advice, and do not mind working in night shifts, you may be the right candidate.

These days, all operations of business process outsourcing units are based mainly on data entries. There are various categories of data entry and six types outsourcing BPO services as listed below:

Figure-based data
• Companies outsource to business outsourcing units that can compute and calculate telephone bills and insurance claims.
• Schools and colleges are also using outsourcing services to process exam grades of students.
• Employers are outsourcing services to companies that provide security to protect confidential information linked to employees.

Text-based data

• Companies provide outsourcing global BPO services to process vital legal documents and compilation of city and country contact directories.
• This type of service also involves the conversion of books into the digital format, for example, a PDF format.
Processing of various types of company documents
• While business process outsourcing deals with contract-based work related to the IT sector, it also provides offline services like editing and restructuring book manuscripts, filing of tax returns insurance claim papers and myriad other vital papers related to the company.

Other Types of outsourcing BPO services
•  Company invoices related to various purchases made
•  Scanning and digitalizing papers and forms using these contractual firms at relatively lesser market costs.
•  Analysis of various types of statistical data linked to human resources, psychological testing and an employee’s career graph
•  Designing and hosting websites
•  Programming and other software testing services

Apart from the above, there are various other offline and online forms related to the company’s core operations, which are processed and converted into digital forms. This way, most companies across the globe have a lesser headache of managing these tiny operations and unnecessary units need not be created to look after them. If you are outsourcing bpo services, your company can save a lot of time and energy in terms of managing these operations.

India, China, Philippines are currently leaders in such outsourcing units. Leading IT companies are eyeing these countries to set up their back end and front end offices here, and are catering to many value-added services.

But there is a BPO services checklist to refer to, for most companies looking to outsource their work.
•  Type of operations that the company is outsourcing
•  Ask for roles and specialization of staff in the outsourcing companies
•  Cultural issues must be sorted out if the outsourcing firm is from another country or continent
•  Check when and how the operations will begin
•  Technical glitches must be sorted out in the beginning and if they surface later, make sure you keep constant communication with the client.

After all, there are many advantages to outsourcing BPO services. It is emerging slowly as an elite job as well. It has become a source of employment for many and a stop-gap for students waiting to get admission into desired courses.

The in-between period can be constructively utilized to further your job resume as well as add a couple of new skill sets to your qualifications too. So outsourcing BPO services seems to be the latest buzzword in the industry.


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