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World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022

Today's Menstrual Hygiene Day. It is observed on May 28 every year to create awareness in public about good menstrual hygiene management (MHM) at a global level. A Germany based NGO called WASH United started observing this day in 2014 and it has been going on ever since.

Developing countries are often faced with a shortage of materials for good menstrual hygiene. Women often get low standard sanitary napkins that may cause rashes in their private parts, leading to serious infections. The day provides an opportunity to actively advocate for the integration of menstrual hygiene management (MHM) into global, national and local policies and programmes.

India observed its first MHM summit organized on 26th and 27th September 2019 in New Delhi by Gramalaya, an NGO. The summit saw the participation of 180 plus delegates including 46 speakers, other stakeholders and allies of the Menstrual Hygiene Management Movement. The second MHM summit was organized on 22nd and 23rd March 2022 by Gramalaya in Chennai. 

National statistics reveal a shocking number of school girl dropouts in rural India because of a lack of access to good personal hygiene materials during their periods. Now, thanks to a lot of campaigns and movements initiated by women's groups and NGOs for the same, there are positive changes being seen in improved menstrual hygiene among everyone.

There is a hope that if all countries work towards empowering women through the integration of menstrual hygiene management (MHM) into global, national and local policies and programmes, then more women will be able to join the workforce with improved productivity.

Top Myths/Superstitions about periods that need to be busted (there are more!):

1. Girls are impure during their periods, no touching them!

2. Can defile holy places and the kitchen 

3. Cannot eat pickles, curd and tamarind as they inhibit the blood flow (blame the food!)

4. Plants will die if touched by menstruating women (poor plants na?)

4. Vessels for a menstruating woman need to be separate

4. Separate room to sleep during periods (err contagious!)

5. No playing sports or doing physical activity

6. talking about "periods"

7. No sex too! (Control, control!)

8. Beginning of periods means body is prepared for babies

9. No bathing or personal grooming during periods (Arghhh!)

10. Periods blood is smelly (so much for nosing around!)

Please answer these questions in the Comment section:

1) What is menstrual hygiene?
2) What does it mean to you?
3) How aware are you of menstrual hygiene?
4) Are you doing anything to spread awareness about menstrual hygiene? If yes, tell us about your initiative?
5) What are the myths you have been hearing about periods?


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